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Personalities of Emigration from the Russian Empire in Interwar Czechoslovakia. Biographical Diction


Since 1993, the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the Czech Academy of Sciences has been conducting systematic research on the history of Russian emigration in interwar Czechoslovakia. Over this time, a large amount of biographical material on Russian emigrants and their academic and cultural activities has been collected. Thanks to this, it was possible to create a comprehensive biographical dictionary called The Personalities of Emigration from the Russian Empire in Interwar Czechoslovakia. The dictionary includes mainly those personalities who contributed to the development of Czechoslovak science, culture and art, participated in political or social life or excelled in other areas and disciplines. In exceptional cases, Russian life partners of prominent Czech personalities are also included. Besides the card catalogue of the Institute of Slavonic Studies, the main sources for the creation of the entries were Anastazie Kopřivová's personal card catalogue, the card catalogue of the Slavonic Library, and literature and archive materials from Russian, Czech and Slovak archives. In addition, materials from the family archives of the descendants of emigrants and materials kept at local authorities (civil registries, records of municipal authorities and local chronicles) were used. The individual entries contain basic biographical information about the emigrant and his or her family members, addresses of residence in Czechoslovakia, their education and employment in both pre-revolutionary Russia and Czechoslovakia, their involvement in the Civil War, where applicable, their emigration, their membership of Russian, Czech and international scientific, cultural and professional associations and organisations, and the orders and decorations they were awarded. If the person in question left Czechoslovakia for another country, the entry indicates when and where and briefly describes their activities in their new home. The entry also contains bibliographical references and information on Czech and foreign archives where the materials of the personality in question are stored, and a selection of literature. The dictionary is supplemented by an annotated list of descendants of Russian emigrants who were born in Czechoslovakia and achieved significant accomplishments in their respective fields. The dictionary also includes rich illustrations.

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Year of publication


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Language Czech
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Original name

Osobnosti emigrace z území Ruské říše v meziválečném Československu. Biografický slovník

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